Major Medical Insurance

    Group       Self Employed
health care
is #1

Low cost major medical insurance and health coverage PPO or HMO quote for an individual, family, self employed, or small business group.

PGA Financial Insurance Services

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Get A Quote, Request Information, even enroll online in most states!
ObamaCare has mandated a lot of new changes to major medical health insurance plans. Rates are still rising on many health plans but we have sources from reputable well known healht insurance companies that are still very reasonable. Smiply choose your state and you will be on your way to comparing some great health quotes instantly. Once you see a health plan that looks like it might be right for you, you'll have the ability to call toll free right from that page, and have your questions answered. You'll also be able to do live instant messaging to have your questions answered, if you prefer that instead.
Self Employed

HSA Plans:
Besides any of the regular health plans, you may also qualify for "HSA" compatible health plans. If you are self employed and you apply and are approved for one of these health plans, then you are eligible to get a "Tax Qualified" special bank account called an "HSA". This allows you to pay for healthcare expenses with pretax dollars. Not many banks offer these special bank accounts but here is a link to one that does:

Another Tax Advantaged Option:
If you are self employed and your spouse works with you, there are other tax advantged programs available we can help you set up (Section 105 of the IRS code--sort of like a Section 125, but a little different). If you qualify, this will give a 100% tax deduction on medical expenses, as well as medical insurance premiums and a deduction on up to 50,0000 term life premiums!

Group Coverage
If you have at lea st one other person working with you, you may also qualify for group coverage, which is more expensive, but may be advantageous if you have pre existing conditions which make it difficult to qualify for individual/family plans. Maternity coverage may also be better on group coverage

Pre existing Conditions

You may be considered uninsurable, due to pre existing conditions. If you are turned down for regular insurance, many states have a guaranteed plan available, but it may expensive and there may be a waiting list. If you can get on the state plan, you should consider that carefully.


Dental Plan    Short Term Health Insurance

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